Monday, February 9, 2009

Hey Hey Hey!!!! Woo!!! i've got 4 minutes to post as much as i can, are you ready for this? Normally, as you know, i'd do my post in paragraphs and what not, but instead i had a sudden inspiration to day. I'm going to give you a bunch of phrases, titles, and sentences for stories that have happened in my life, and you are going to comment and tell me which one you want my next post to be about! So here's the list of phrases, titles, quotes, sentences and what not that represent an even or story that's happened in my life recently:

1. I'm in the newspaper?!?

2. Let's Dance! O, was that the Sprinkler you just did? Uh, on second though, i'll just go get some punch

3. Garden Pary Crashers

4. "E" is for "Ediot"

5. There's a wall there....and there

6. Hotdogs Vs. Hoagie Sandwhiches: The Perpetual Debate

7. Snow White and Seven Dwarves: 10 reason's why not to show this to your 9th grade class

8. Silence is golden, but remember, money doesn't buy happiness

That's all i can think of in 4 minutes, but monday after next, i will have a new headline entitled:

Beautiful historical building that have inspired the hears of millions....and school supplies


Jillian said...

#7 sounds good!
Oh, and I think you might like my cousins new blog. He started it yesterday. It seems like somthing you'd enjoy.

Luv ya girl!

Ali said...

I vote for E is for "Ediot!" but thats just me. =]

Sakhi. said...

gud....u in newsp.....4 wht....??

not emo just misunderstood said...

garden party crashers

Lenore said...

oooh! why shouldnt we show Snow White to a 9th grade class????

i linked u on my blog!! <333


Mac said...

lol sorry about my inconsistency about my blogging! 7!