Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm not in the mood to type a ridiculousy long and tedious post about my day, so instead, i'm gonna post a poem!!!


We sit here safe and warm yet nobody knows
out in the meadow there's a Bleeding Rose.

With a cut down the side it's just a thin crack
But i widens when we turn out back.

One by one they form a bouquet 
Yet we still insist that all is okay.

Like a disease they start to spread.
Painting the entire world red.

When they turn into a weed we all will obsess.
We are trapped so we might as well confess.

We were blind to what we should fear most.
We didn't see that one Bleeding Rose.

Well, that's that! i Hope you like it. 


Mac said...
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ChipotleChick said...
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Allison said...

i dont get it :/

sorry im not that deep thinking lol it sounds pretty.....

Allison said...

how come those commemts are deleted? what did they say and who were they from? im so courious..........................................................

ChipotleChick said...

lol the first was from James and my annoying cousin deleted it while i wasn't looking. The second was mine but i moved it onto James's blog so i deleted it here.